Guessing Roles for Christopher Nolan’s THE ODYSSEY Cast: Who Plays Who in the Movie? Michael Walsh |

Christopher Nolan has made some pretty epic films, but his next movie will literally be one of the most famous epics in history. He’s taking a world-class cast around the globe to bring Homer’s The Odyssey to the screen. We already know a lot of the actors who will star in the big-budget blockbuster. We also know all of the characters in Homer’s epic poem. What we don’t know is who will play who in the cast of The Odyssey. That is to say, what roles are going to which actors remains a mystery. Who will play Athena and Circe? Telemachus and Tiresias? The Suitors? Conversely, just who will Zendaya play in The Odyssey? These are our best guesses for which parts the incredible cast of Christopher Nolan’s The Odyssey will play in the film.

Matt Damon as Odysseus

Guessing Roles for Christopher Nolan’s THE ODYSSEY Cast: Who Plays Who in the Movie?_1
20th Century Fox

After multiple supporting roles in his films, Matt Damon seems poised to finally lead one of Christopher Nolan’s movies. And that means he’ll become the second member of Danny Ocean’s crew to play Odysseus on the big screen. (George Clooney played Ulysses Everett McGill in O Brother, Where Art Thou?) Odysseus is cunning, brave, and a great warrior, a role right in Matt Damon’s wheelhouse. If Matt Damon plays Odysseus in Christopher Nolan’s Odyssey, we’ll be very happy about it.

Anne Hathaway as Penelope

Guessing Roles for Christopher Nolan’s THE ODYSSEY Cast: Who Plays Who in the Movie?_2

We couldn’t play “Who Plays Who in The Odyssey” without casting Penelope. Odysseus’ loyal wife is just as cunning and brave as her husband. She’s also great at hiding her true intentions. She spends years tricking her suitors into thinking she’s vulnerable enough they can take advantage of her without realizing she’s delaying marrying any of them. It’s a part that requires both a softness and a sternness that are equally believable, and Oscar-winner Anne Hathaway is the perfect actress to play Penelope.

Tom Holland as Telemachus

Guessing Roles for Christopher Nolan’s THE ODYSSEY Cast: Who Plays Who in the Movie?_3
Apple TV+

Odysseus’ son Telemachus is almost the co-protagonist of The Odyssey. He sets out on his own journey to find his long-missing father. Telemachus is young yet motivated and noble. He’s also only 20 in Homer’s epic poem, and the baby-faced Tom Holland still looks right for the part. It’s also a part that requires a star that won’t look out of place next to his famous parents, and Holland certainly qualifies. If Christopher Nolan does cast Tom Holland as Telemachus, we bet Holland’s The Crowded Room hair may make a reappearance.

Lupita Nyong’o as Circe

Guessing Roles for Christopher Nolan’s THE ODYSSEY Cast: Who Plays Who in the Movie?_4
Marvel Studios

One of the best, most memorable characters in all of The Odyssey is the enchantress goddess Circe. She transforms Odysseus’ men into pigs, keeps them there for a year, and is absolutely alluring the whole time. She’s one of the best, most interesting witches in all of literature, and a role like that deserves one of the best, most interesting performers in Hollywood, like Oscar-winner Lupita Nyong’o. She would make for an amazing Circe actress in Christoper Nolan’s movie.

Benny Safdie as Polyphemus

A man with safety goggles and white sunscreen all over his face watched a nuclear blast in Oppenheimer
Universal Pictures

Polyphemus is the big, dumb, man-eating cyclops son of Poseidon who “No Man” blinds to escape the giant’s cave. Odysseus’ hubris after pulling off this daring plan is what leads to his ten years lost at sea. Polyphemus is both unintentionally funny and intimidating. He’s also a huge presence, both literally and figuratively, in the story, and Benny Safdie proved in Nolan’s Oppenheimer why he’s the only member of this cast we can see playing this part in The Odyssey.

Himesh Patel as Aeolus

A man with a guitar on stage
Universal Pictures

The Greek god of the winds has a small but important role in The Odyssey. He helps Odysseus by gathering all the winds of the sea into a sack, with the exception of the one wind the King of Ithaca needs to get home. When Odysseus’ paranoid men open the sack right when they can see Ithaca’s shores, sending them back to Aeolus, the God realizes Odysseus is cursed by the gods and refuses to help him again. Patel would excel in the role of a kind figure who also knows when to get out of a stronger god’s way.

Robert Pattinson as The Ghost of Achilles

Guessing Roles for Christopher Nolan’s THE ODYSSEY Cast: Who Plays Who in the Movie?_5

Achilles didn’t survive the Trojan War, but Homer found a way to bring him back for the sequel anyway. (Imagine the reaction on epic poem message boards in Ancient Greece? They must have been furious about all the “fan service” in The Odyssey.) Odysseus speaks with the greatest of Greek warriors in the underworld, where Achilles says he hates being dead. Who would be better to play a handsome, ethereal, moody hero in Nolan’s film than Robert Pattinson? The actual Achilles wouldn’t do as good a job. He’d also be way harder to work with.*

Samantha Morton as Anticleia 

Samantha Morton in The Serpent Queen

Speaking of ethereal figures, The Walking Dead‘s Samantha Morton should literally be cast as a walking dead in Nolan’s The Odyssey film. Her performance as a precog in Minority Report is why we think she should appear in the underworld as Odysseus’ mother, Anticleia. She might seem too young to play the dead mother of Ithaca’s King, but ghosts can look whatever age they like in Hades.

Bill Irwin as Laertes

Bill Irwin in glasses and a tie on Legion

Odysseus’ other parent is still very much alive (and in danger) in The Odyssey, and Laertes seems like the perfect part for veteran actor Bill Irwin. Laertes might be frail at this point in his life, but he’s still a figure with gravitas because he’s more than just Odysseus’ dad. He was also one of the famed Argonauts who helped Jason get the Golden Fleece. Bill Irwin has played a lot of roles in his long career, and it would be great to see him cast as this one in Nolan’s The Odyssey movie.

Zendaya as Calypso

Guessing Roles for Christopher Nolan’s THE ODYSSEY Cast: Who Plays Who in the Movie?_6
Warner Bros.

Would it really be something to watch Tom Holland’s real-life fiancée keep his movie dad as a sex slave for seven years? Yes. But that doesn’t mean Zendaya isn’t the best choice to play the famous nymph from the island of Ogygia. Calypso needs to be so enchanting and so beautiful that we understand why Odysseus doesn’t exactly fight as hard as he should to get home much sooner. Being trapped on an island with Zendaya would make that easy to figure out.

Elliot Page – Hermes

photo of Viktor Hargreeves in Umbrella Academy sitting at a bar wearing a dark jacket and white shirt

The god tasked with forcing Calypso to release Odysseus (by order of Athena) is the messenger of Olympus, Hermes. The trickster god and protector of travelers also warned Odysseus about Circe and gave him a herb that kept Odysseus safe from the witch’s pig potion. It’s a fun role that requires someone who looks as swift and lithe as the wind, and that’s why Elliot Page is our guess for who will play him from all the options in The Odyssey‘s cast.

John Leguizamo as Eumaeus

John Leguizamo on a cell phone and wearing a suit
Prime Video

John Leguiazamo can play any role, and while we could easily see him as one of the annoying Suitors eating and drinking Penelope out of house and home, we think he’d be just as good in a very different role. And that’s why we think he could be cast as Eumaeus, The Odyssey‘s swineherd who is also a dear friend of Odysseus. Eumaeus spends years trying to protect Penelope and Telemachus before helping Odysseus defeat the Suitors. Leguizamo would be eminently believable doing all of that.

Jon Bernthal as Antious

Jon Bernthal Punisher from Netflix reportedly joins the MCU
Marvel Studios

Everything we said about John Leguizamo is also true about Jon Bernthal. He can play just about any type of character, including someone dashing that we’d like to see choke on his own arrogance. So we think he’ll be cast to play a character we hate the instant they open their smug mouth in The Odyssey, Antious. He’s the most loathsome of Penelope’s many Suitors, and Bernthal would eat in the role. We’d love to see him make us detest Antious.

Charlize Theron as Athena

Guessing Roles for Christopher Nolan’s THE ODYSSEY Cast: Who Plays Who in the Movie?_7

…..Who else could even believably play the Greek goddess of war and wisdom? Are we sure Charlize Theron isn’t actually Athena? The Greek gods did like to come down and disguise themselves as human. Maybe Odysseus’ protector and champion has slowly been bidding her time as an Oscar-winning actress for this exact opportunity to play herself in a movie.

Is that a wild guess? Maybe, but you can’t put anything past Athena. Or Charlize Theron. And until we find out who everyone in Christoper Nolan’s The Odyssey cast is actually playing, we won’t.

The Odyssey Movie Cast Is Epic, and Guessing Who Will Play Who Is a Monumental Quest

Matt Damon in a white sweater in The Martian, a bust of bearded Odysseus, Charlize theron dirtied in Old Guard, a bust of Athena
20th Century Fox/Netflix/Wikimedia Commons

And so, you’ve come to the end of our own epic screed. Who will play who in Christoper Nolan’s cinematic take on one of our favorite stories? We’ll all soon find out. But in the meantime, we quite like our casting choices for The Odyssey and very much enjoyed the long journey of penning them all down. We hope you did, too.

*Iliad joke.

The post Guessing Roles for Christopher Nolan’s THE ODYSSEY Cast: Who Plays Who in the Movie? appeared first on Nerdist.


This articles is written by : Fady Askharoun Samy Askharoun

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